Monthly Archives: February 2013

Stiletto Nails


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The sharp, pointy, dangerous-looking, claw-shaped stiletto nails are in and they are here to stay.

The stiletto nail trend has taken the whole world by storm, especially the music industry. According to an online magazine called Mail Online, Lady Gaga was the first person to start the trend. Gaga was spotted wearing black stiletto nails in a visit to London in 2010. Other pop artists like Rihanna, Katy Perry, Adele, Beyoncé and Jessie J have also jumped on the stiletto nails bandwagon recently.

Kevin Nguyen, a nail technician at the Lovely Nails salon thinks they are elegant and bold at the same time, but not everyone can pull them off. They are looked at as dangerous and daring, but who said dangerous is bad.

“I love the technicality involved in the claw-shaped nails. I am an artistic guy and I look at them [stiletto nails] as art,” Nguyen said.

Pop artists may have started the trend a few years ago, but the general public has just started following the trend. Christina Borac, an architect, wears peach-colored stiletto nails and thinks they add a little excitement to her everyday life.

“People think they [stiletto nails] are very bold and crazy, but I think what makes them crazy or bold is the color they are painted with. Black is very punk. Peach is elegant and subtle. This is why I like them [stiletto nails]; you can make them match your personality just by painting them a certain color,” Borac said.

Nguyen and Borac, both think that the trend is meant for the age group of 18-35 and should only last for another few months. Stiletto nails aren’t as popular with the general public as they are with pop artists, so the trend may die down quickly.

“I’m in love with mine [stiletto nails], and I will wear them regardless of them being in style or not,” Borac said.